Thursday, October 7, 2010

Girl's Baby Doll Birthday Party Ideas

# Having a party for a little girl with a baby doll theme is quite easy. It's just a matter of taking the aspects of a regular birthday party and rethinking them to match your theme. Parties of this sort would be for girls, aged six to eight. Invitations should make it clear that this is a baby-doll themed party so that the invitees (and their parents!) know what to expect.
# It should be fairly easy to buy baby doll decorations. For the birthday table, you can buy a tablecloth with a baby shower theme. Anything that says 'baby', or has baby rattles, pacifiers, etc. on the cloth should work. You can use something very similar for the presents table. If you don't have access to these items, then you can simply find pink or pastel colored decorations. As for cups, plates, etc. You can find them printed with a wide variety of baby-themed objects. At most party stores, you can find silverware, party hats, and party items all in similar colors. If you do not have easy access to a party store, there are usually similar items in your local grocery store.
Gift Bags
# One idea for gift bags, is to give each little girl a diaper bag with all the accouterments in miniature. You can find the miniature diaper bags in most stores, although a simple online search might be easier when it comes to comparing prices. Little Mommy, Baby Alive, and So Truly Real are all brands that have little-girl sized diaper bags. If you don't want to spend that much money, you can put these items in a simple gift bag. In keeping with the theme, finding a gift bag that could be used for a baby shower would be a good idea.
Gift Bag Items
# Filling each gift bag should be fairly inexpensive. Look for pacifiers, baby doll bottles, travel-sized items like baby powder and lotions, baby rattles, etc. Make sure that all of the items are sized for a little girl's baby doll instead of a real infant. You can make little cloth bibs or burp clothes out of fabric, or buy them if you're not handy with a sewing machine.
# Finding a baby-doll themed cake should be fairly easy. If you talk to your local cake-maker, you can easily find out of they can make them with that particular theme. A less expensive alternative would be to go ahead and buy or make your favorite cake, adding little plastic dolls to the top for decoration.
# There are lots of party games that you can adapt for a baby doll theme. "Pin the Diaper on the Baby" would be easy to make. You could have a stroller race, that has all the girls divided into teams and racing with a stroller to a particular spot and back again. If you put baby dolls in the strollers you could have an added goal of making sure that the baby doesn't fall over or out of the stroller while the girls race. Another idea is to have an egg race. (Using hard-boiled eggs would be easier if the girls are closer to six than to eight.) Another game would be to have the girls bring their own favorite baby dolls to the party and allow them time to just play with them.

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